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Manuel De Feria 2024 (Desarrollo) Վերջին արդիացում20.10.2024 08:01:55, Creator/Last Upload: AjedrezCubano
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Bdld |
1 | | Ofarrill Cabrera, Esteban David | 3536807 | CUB | 1774 | |
2 | | Linares Fernandez, Cesar Ernesto | 3536785 | CUB | 1772 | |
3 | | Leon Infante, Brayan | 3536173 | CUB | 1755 | |
4 | | Rodriguez Gonzalez, Delvis F. | 3521168 | CUB | 1722 | |
5 | | Fonceca Gonzalez, Diego | 3536009 | CUB | 1719 | |
6 | | Pupo Guerra, Naile | 3537048 | CUB | 1713 | |
7 | | Bernal Santos, Idel Alejandro | 3536661 | CUB | 1692 | |
8 | | Fernandez Correa, Rocio | 3536700 | CUB | 1680 | |
9 | | Pena Perez, Jorge Alberto | 3525317 | CUB | 1661 | |
10 | | Gonzalez Gomez, Emmanuel | 3536068 | CUB | 1617 | |
11 | | Dubra Ulacia, Cynthia | 3535940 | CUB | 1607 | |
12 | | Garcia Gonzalez, Maikol | 3535371 | CUB | 1598 | |
13 | | Lopez Diaz, Lian | 3535380 | CUB | 1590 | |
14 | | Barrios Garcia, Luis Miguel | 3535290 | CUB | 1584 | |
15 | | Bosch Lopez, David | 3535401 | CUB | 1572 | |
16 | | Del Risco Aldana, Alejandra | 3535932 | CUB | 1546 | |
17 | | Hilarion Cardoso, Alisbel De La C | 3536130 | CUB | 1541 | |
18 | | Garcia Gonzalez, Danilo | 3538818 | CUB | 1521 | |
19 | | Leonard Conyedo, Saidi | 3536777 | CUB | 1480 | |
20 | | Valero Lorenzo, Leyane | 3539083 | CUB | 1476 | |
21 | | Turino Morales, Haiyexferson | 3538940 | CUB | 1441 | |
22 | | Perez Ocana, Jonathan | 3536840 | CUB | 1429 | |
23 | | Gonzalez Gomez, Samuel | 3536076 | CUB | 1417 | |
24 | | Lara Del Rio, Danna | 3538842 | CUB | 1411 | |
25 | | Correa Jimenez, Liz Angelica | 3538257 | CUB | 0 | |
26 | | Rodriguez Noda, Lia | | CUB | 0 | |
27 | | Suarez Rojas, Anna Paula | 3538923 | CUB | 0 | |