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Manuel De Feria 2024 (Desarrollo)

Վերջին արդիացում20.10.2024 08:01:55, Creator/Last Upload: AjedrezCubano

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Ofarrill Cabrera, Esteban David3536807CUB1774
2Linares Fernandez, Cesar Ernesto3536785CUB1772
3Leon Infante, Brayan3536173CUB1755
4Rodriguez Gonzalez, Delvis F.3521168CUB1722
5Fonceca Gonzalez, Diego3536009CUB1719
6Pupo Guerra, Naile3537048CUB1713
7Bernal Santos, Idel Alejandro3536661CUB1692
8Fernandez Correa, Rocio3536700CUB1680
9Pena Perez, Jorge Alberto3525317CUB1661
10Gonzalez Gomez, Emmanuel3536068CUB1617
11Dubra Ulacia, Cynthia3535940CUB1607
12Garcia Gonzalez, Maikol3535371CUB1598
13Lopez Diaz, Lian3535380CUB1590
14Barrios Garcia, Luis Miguel3535290CUB1584
15Bosch Lopez, David3535401CUB1572
16Del Risco Aldana, Alejandra3535932CUB1546
17Hilarion Cardoso, Alisbel De La C3536130CUB1541
18Garcia Gonzalez, Danilo3538818CUB1521
19Leonard Conyedo, Saidi3536777CUB1480
20Valero Lorenzo, Leyane3539083CUB1476
21Turino Morales, Haiyexferson3538940CUB1441
22Perez Ocana, Jonathan3536840CUB1429
23Gonzalez Gomez, Samuel3536076CUB1417
24Lara Del Rio, Danna3538842CUB1411
25Correa Jimenez, Liz Angelica3538257CUB0
26Rodriguez Noda, LiaCUB0
27Suarez Rojas, Anna Paula3538923CUB0