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Caissa End of the Month September - Groups C/D (Sep 29th)

Վերջին արդիացում29.09.2024 15:51:31, Creator/Last Upload: MUÑIZ PARDIÑO, Alberto

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Alexandre Huet-SakaiD
2Amber TamD
3Benjamin LiD
4Cameron ChanC
5Carlen ChanD
6Dominic KooC
7Edric WangD
8Godwin LiC
9Harriet SitC
10Isaac Li Shun HeiC
11Jacob WongC
12Jacob YenD
13Jayden RiddC
14Jules Le ProvostC
15Kaho KobayashiD
16Lolly ChenC
17Marc GuenanciaD
18Max TuC
19Nathan ChauD
20Nemo ChenC
21Oliver WongC
22Olivia WongC
23Sasha ChanC
24Shanaya PrasadC
25Summer ChenC
26Takehiro KobayashiC
27Thomas LeungC
28Yau Ning ChanC
29Zanna ZeeC