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Festival de Reinauguração Casarão Xadrez Clube

Last update 03.11.2024 18:08:29, Creator/Last Upload: Federacao Paulista de Xadrez (1)

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Starting rank

1NMLeonardo, De Miranda Rodrigues2108658BRA2196Sp
2Caique, Ferreira Fortunato Da Silva2196395BRA2057Leste
3Edvan, Tadeu De Jesus2196409BRA1973Xadrez Itaim Zl
4NMRichard, Gabriel Simiao Barbosa Goncalv22778489BRA1948Xadrez Itaim Zl
5Diego, Marinho LimaBRA1835Casarão Chess Club
6Isabelle, Namie Nishimori Akamine44739761BRA1831Xadrez Itaim Zl
7Fernanda, Vieira AlmeidaBRA1797
8Fabiano, Xavier Dos Santos22797815BRA1787Life Brothers
9Ruberson, Martins CassianoBRA1777Bcxsp
10Elton, Cristiano De Jesus AlmeidaBRA1769SP
11Giullia, Hikari Nishimori Akamine44739753BRA1684Xadrez Itaim Zl
12Arthur, Aparecido De Andrade LimaBRA0Osasco
13Edson, Soares De OliveiraBRA0Lichess
14Giovanni, da Silva VianaBRA0Casarão Chess Club
15Rogério, Nascimento da FonsecaBRA0Lichess