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Décimo Sexto BLITZ FENAG 2024

Վերջին արդիացում25.09.2024 04:01:32, Creator/Last Upload: Federation Nacional de Ajedrez de Guatemala

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Guzman P., Oswaldo A.GUA2120
2Aguilar De Leon, Iker XavierGUA1839
3Schmid B., Walter StuardoGUA1839
4De Leon, Juan CarlosGUA1778
5Aguilar De Leon, Dayana JasminGUA1713
6Cordero Medrano, Dennis MatheusGUA1598
7Aguilar Barcenas, DeggliGUA1518
8Aguilar De Leon, Emily VivianaGUA1400
9Cordero Valdez, CornelioGUA1400
10Cordero, ElizabethGUA1400
11Max Sirin, Dulce MariaGUA1400