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Klubmeisterschaft - torneo sociale J. Richter/LASK 2024

Last update 16.11.2024 11:12:04, Creator/Last Upload: Jo2409

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Round 1 on 2024/09/27 at 19,30

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
18Daprà, Theo17060 0 - 10 Prosser, Fritz20101
22Unterweger, Jonas19480 1 - 00 Casisa, Davide16589
310Anrather, Eva16020 0 - 10 Kowalczyk, Martin18253
44Pardeller, Arthur17860 1 - 00 Feng, Erick156312
513Martini, Tranquillo15510 0 - 10 Stivaletta, Andrea17335
66Unterweger, Christian17270 1 - 00 Cauvin, Mauro149514
716Narduzzo, Marco13990 0 - 10 Gruber, Martin17137
815Jakomet, Walter14000 ½ - ½0 Unterhofer, Herwig157911