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Campeonato Nacional Senior +65 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony09.10.2024 05:43:03, Creator/Last Upload: Education license (until 31.12.2024)

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1CMRovira Mas, Jorge6500048CRC2090
2CMAraya Umana, Carlos6500188CRC1930
3Saenz Forero, Fernando6507212CRC1891
4Bolanos Barth, Francisco6537138CRC1881MoreChess
5Ruiz Carranza, Klever6505040CRC1835MoreChess
6Mena Vilchez, Ulises6516068CRC1814
7Tenorio Cordero, Jose Noel6523013CRC1770Independiente
8Moran, Mike6500951CRC1601Santa Barbara
9Pomares Herrera, Efrain6519857CRC1564Liberia
10Villegas Villalobos, Oscar6558658CRC1514Belen
11Pazmino Acosta, Magdalena6561560CRC1448Asociacion Goicoechea
12Calderon Villalobos, AlexisCRC1400