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X OPEN ARCOS DE LA FRONTERA Memorial José Antonio Fernández ParrillaՎերջին արդիացում27.10.2024 20:43:04, Creator/Last Upload: ESCOBAR DOMINGUEZ, Daniel
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | ID | FideID | RtgI | ԱԱՎ | սեռ | Խ | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | IM | Gomez Ledo, Roberto Carlos | 10280 | 3507076 | 2407 | 2505 | | | Isleña |
2 | | Cuellar Montes, Alejandro | 7254 | 32096836 | 2190 | 2244 | | | Isleña |
3 | | Oñate Mendez, Elias | 1910 | 2222981 | 2223 | 2206 | | | Shahmat |
4 | FM | Urbina Perez, Juan Antonio | 2681 | 2217368 | 2248 | 2175 | | | Shahmat |
5 | | Sanjuan Garcia, Miguel | 2537 | 2210584 | 1979 | 1997 | | S50 | Metro |
6 | | Siliceo Capilla, Alfonso | 4805 | 2202581 | 1911 | 1951 | | | Peña Alfil |
7 | | Garcia Rodriguez, Angel | 10293 | 24582719 | 1937 | 1903 | | S18 | Isleña |
8 | | Bedoya Roman, Francisco | 214 | 32071230 | 1972 | 1899 | | S50 | Roteño |
9 | | Rodriguez Fernandez, Alfonso | 2275 | 22287582 | 1898 | 1873 | | | Arcos |
10 | | Giraldez Requena, Hugo | 21005 | 54778964 | 1750 | 1871 | | S12 | Sierra Sur |
11 | | Bermudez Ureba, Jose Maria | 10390 | 54501202 | 1803 | 1864 | | | Isleña |
12 | | Rosas Roman, Gabriel | 25017 | 94785805 | 1936 | 1862 | | S14 | Peña Alfil |
13 | | Malia Ramirez, Jose | 1503 | 22297189 | 1899 | 1845 | | S50 | Costa Fenicia |
14 | | Gamez Matamoros, Andres | 27108 | 523081902 | 1804 | 1834 | | S12 | Peña Alfil |
15 | | Macias Verano, Jose Maria | 24851 | 94784825 | 1806 | 1789 | | S12 | Shahmat |
16 | | Oñate Gomez, Ildefonso | 1909 | 2265753 | 1830 | 1778 | | S50 | Shahmat Arcos |
17 | | Quintero Gemio, Antonio Joaquin | 9575 | 32071477 | 1803 | 1777 | | S50 | Alfil Invidente |
18 | | Ortiz Alfaro, Angel | 22821 | 523024658 | 1862 | 1776 | | S14 | Caballo Blanco |
19 | | Guardia Bencomo, Tomas | 2861 | 2266520 | 1714 | 1751 | | | Peña Alfil |
20 | | Moncada Palenzuela, Pablo Wenceslao | 11408 | 94716846 | 1679 | 1745 | | S14 | Algeciras |
21 | | Escobar Garcia, Alberto | 15943 | 54592739 | 1769 | 1740 | | S12 | Shahmat |
22 | | Ferrete Rueda, Juan Carlos | 827 | 24543500 | 1817 | 1737 | | S50 | Sierra Sur |
23 | | Xu, Chenjie (Lucas) | 25055 | 94790752 | 1615 | 1688 | | S14 | Shahmat |
24 | | Palomino Lopez, Juan Carlos | 10621 | 54535883 | 1699 | 1679 | | S18 | Ruy Lopez Chiclana |
25 | | Garcia Garcia, Victoriano | 10435 | 54501989 | 1735 | 1676 | | S50 | Costa Fenicia |
26 | | Kowalski Rubiales, Leo | 20616 | 54783194 | 1777 | 1651 | | S12 | Shahmat |
27 | | Perez Odero, Gonzalo | 22714 | 94743134 | 1625 | 1646 | | | Isleña |
28 | | Sevillano Leal, Julio | 2582 | 2267810 | 1686 | 1594 | | S50 | Costa Fenicia |
29 | | Palma Troya, Ignacio Pedro | 19540 | 523095547 | 1670 | 1589 | | | Olvera |
30 | | Garcia Gonzalez, Angela | 17718 | 54712394 | 1629 | 1571 | w | S18 | Madrid |
31 | | Clavijo Montero, Alfonso | 9448 | 2231921 | 1689 | 1556 | | S50 | Caballo Blanco |
32 | | Sanchez Castro, Miriam | 20667 | 94713243 | 1640 | 1540 | w | S18 | Conil |
33 | | Dominguez Mora, Patricia | 18266 | 94734992 | 1668 | 1529 | w | S18 | Shahmat |
34 | | Coca Majaron, Alvaro | 24933 | 94779570 | 1492 | 1494 | | S12 | Chaturanga |
35 | | Carrillo Martinez, Jose Maria | 3493 | 2288907 | 1604 | 1491 | | S50 | Caballo Blanco |
36 | | Caballero Ragel, Jesus | 6555 | 32044399 | 1630 | 1481 | | S50 | Peña Alfil |
37 | | Jimenez Perez, Francisco Manuel | 24477 | 94773319 | 0 | 1462 | | | Isleña |
38 | | Benitez Butron, Daniel | 22451 | 94734941 | 1574 | 1456 | | S12 | Ruy Lopez Chiclana |
39 | | Gonzalez Capote, Ignacio | 25064 | 94794901 | 1715 | 1448 | | S14 | Shahmat |
40 | | Arana Almagro, Jose | 11465 | 54524512 | 1602 | 1441 | | S50 | Portuense |
41 | | Iglesias Angulo, Manuel | 20212 | 94743207 | 1426 | 1438 | | S12 | Shahmat |
42 | | Rodriguez Sanjuan, Alejandro | 27037 | 523091398 | 0 | 1435 | | S18 | Peña Alfil |
43 | | Baron Martinez, Francisco | 177 | 24598046 | 1521 | 1431 | | S50 | Shahmat Arcos |
44 | | Silva Martin, Santiago | 20240 | 94773270 | 1572 | 1428 | | S14 | Alfil Invidente |
45 | | Ye Lexuan, Leo | 29269 | | 0 | 1425 | | S14 | Cadiz |
46 | | Silva Martin, Marcos | 20224 | 94779260 | 1561 | 1424 | | S12 | Alfil Invidente |
47 | | Garcia Gonzalez, Victor | 18227 | 54726425 | 1568 | 1420 | | S12 | Madrid |
48 | | Cordero Parada, Luis | 24852 | 94779082 | 0 | 1386 | | S14 | Shahmat |
49 | | Silva Martin, Pedro | 22449 | 94779279 | 0 | 1380 | | S12 | Alfil Invidente |
50 | | Palomino Magri, Juan Carlos | 19261 | 94713367 | 1424 | 1360 | | | Ruy Lopez Chiclana |
51 | | Campuzano Gonzalez, Alfonso | 10175 | 54501296 | 1469 | 1353 | | S50 | Shahmat Arcos |
52 | | De La O Hay, David | 26746 | 523091606 | 1479 | 1352 | | S12 | Shahmat |
53 | | Villegas Becerra, Manu | 22533 | 94779287 | 0 | 1342 | | S14 | Shahmat |
54 | | Garcia Gonzalez, Manuel | 18981 | 54764734 | 1512 | 1340 | | S12 | Madrid |
55 | | Coca Palmero, Jose Antonio | 24282 | 523058072 | 0 | 1325 | | S50 | Chaturanga |
56 | | Moreno Ojeda, Angel Jesus | 19350 | 94734950 | 1471 | 1305 | | S14 | Ruy Lopez Chiclana |
57 | | Romero Nuñez, Adrian | 20216 | 94743215 | 0 | 1294 | | S12 | Shahmat |
58 | | Palacios Navarro, Manuel | 17760 | 54712009 | 0 | 1232 | | S50 | Shahmat Arcos |
59 | | Angel Fernandez, Javier | 29602 | | 0 | 0 | | | Ruy Lopez Chiclana |
60 | | Macias Fernandez, Ignacio | 15733 | | 0 | 0 | | | Arcos |
61 | | Martin Fernandez, Mario | 29628 | | 0 | 0 | | | Arcos |
62 | | Palenzuela Rodriguez, Maria Dolores | 26497 | 523081929 | 0 | 0 | w | | Algeciras |
63 | | Venegas Cozar, Francisco | 29686 | | 0 | 0 | | S18 | Arcos |
64 | | Venegas Luna, Roberto | 22253 | 94713260 | 0 | 0 | | S18 | Arcos |