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Saptamana Europeana a 1

Last update 28.09.2024 12:45:52, Creator/Last Upload: Bela Susterman

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Starting rank

1Grebeniuc, AlexandraMDA1929Sanduleac
2Carasiov, ArtiomMDA1845Sanduleac
3Buznea, IustinMDA1705Banuh
4Zalevschi, AnastasiaMDA1569Sanduleac
5Banina, KaterynaUKR1526Banuh
6Burlac, FilippMDA1474Banuh
7Cebotari, IrinaMDA1469Sanduleac
8Scerbacov, MaximMDA1427Banuh
9Zbanc, MacarMDA1413Banuh
10Crotov, RomanMDA1405Banuh
11Lacusta, AlexandraMDA0Banuh