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Swiss system 9 rounds,classical chess rating up to 1800. Time control 30 minutes for the whole game plus 30 seconds per move (30+30) with the calculation of the FIDE classical rating. Team -3 boys and 1 girl.
Šveices sistēma 9 kārtās ar klasiskā šaha reitingu līdz 1800. Laika kontrole: (30+30) ar FIDE klasiskā reitinga aprēķinu. starpā, komandu ieskaitē- 3 labāko zēnu un vienas meitenes

8 GM A. Shirov cup U-12

Last update 10.01.2025 13:19:08, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation

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Starting rank

1IBodaks, Maksimilians11632569LAT1642U12Mifan Chess
2IIstratova, Nika4520084EST1538wU12Estonia-1
3IIJefimovs, Akims11649470LAT1536U08Vidzeme
4IKiritshenko, Platon4522010EST1516U10Estonia-1
5IReinson, Tobias4523431EST1499U12Tartu
6IIVaivars, Klavs11638052LAT1493U12Vidzeme
7IIJurzdickis, Levi Mose11633948LAT1482U10Mifan Chess
8IIGrigorenko, Vladislavs11640200LAT1471U10Mifan Chess
9IIJakabsone, Tifanija Bella11643447LAT1467wU12Mifan Chess
10IIPetrovskis, Normunds11638290LAT1462U12Vidzeme
11IIVoronova, Anastassia4520114EST1448wU12Kiviyli / MK Lootus
12ILaur, Mark4520025EST1437U12 Kiviyli / MK Lootus
13IIBodaks, Leonards11634251LAT1434U08Mifan Chess
14IISmilga, Olivers11636866LAT1413U10Vidzeme
15IIBoleiko, Augusts11639881LAT0U10BJC Daugmale
16IIKanger, Saskia Lee4520416EST0wU12Tartu
17IIKuklis, Ralfs11634405LAT0U12Jūrmala
18IILazdina, Adrija11634200LAT0wU12Vidzeme
19IIMaesepp, Stella4520092EST0wU12Estonia-1
20IIPatrikejeva, Sofia4520890EST0wU12Estonia-1
21IIReinson, Oskar4524438EST0U10Tartu
22IIUrbanovits, Hugo4523660EST0U12Tartu
23IIVinogradov, Artjom4524454EST0U10Kiviyli / MK Lootus
24IIZinovjev, Timur4523520EST0U10Kiviyli / MK Lootus
25IIIDoemstedt, Viktor1794248SWE0U10SS 4 Springare
26IIIHansen, Tormi4525957EST0U08Tartu