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TPWCC Children's Day Chess Tournament 2024 - U12

Seinast dagført13.10.2024 10:09:40, Creator/Last Upload: Lim Boon-Seng Christopher

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1Aarush, Roshan SankheSGP
2Ashlee, KikSGPw
3Chan, Toby Kai MingSGP
4Cheng, TianlangSGP
5Cheong, Lucas Jun HongSGP
6Chong, LinxiSGP
7Deivendran, MadheshwaranSGP
8Fong, ChayesSGP
9Kam, Da LiangSGP
10Koo, Yun LongSGP
11Lam, Zi Zen EthanSGP
12Lee, Michelle Su HuiSGPw
13Lee, Ying HuiSGPw
14Lim, En EmilSGP
15Loh, Jvann Kai YuanSGP
16Low, DavidSGP
17Muhammad, Mikail SuhaimiSGP
18Pok, OscarSGP
19See, Jolene Ya ErnSGPw
20Sim, Keith Zheng DaSGP
21Sugandi, AnthonySGP
22Tan, Elias Benjamin En ShengSGP
23Tan, Javier Shuen YihSGP
24Tan, Jia He GeorgeSGP
25Tan, Jia XuanSGP
26Tan, Zachariah Yeong KaiSGP
27Tee, Xin Nuo GladysSGPw
28Vihaan, TonkSGP
29Wibisono, ExelciaSGPw
30Wong, Aaron Zun ZerSGP
31Yoe, DerronSGP