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Sexto Torneo Internacional de Ajedrez Jalapa 2024 CATEGORIA: SUB-18

Seinast dagført22.09.2024 22:34:51, Creator/Last Upload: Federation Nacional de Ajedrez de Guatemala

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1Paxtor Chiguichon, Rodolfo EnriqueGUA1890Gua
2Cordero Medrano, CristopherGUA1621Gua
3Lopez Escobar, Jose DavidGUA1572Jal
4Duque Roca, Keily ElizabethGUA1482Jal
5Del Valle, LeonelGUA1400Jal
6Hernandez Aguilar, Erick AlbertoGUA1400Chiq
7Landaverry, BranwellGUA1400Pro
8Lima, GearbethGUA1400Pro
9Lopez, AntonyGUA1400Pro
10Macal, HugoGUA1400Pro
11Picon, CarlosGUA1400Pro
12Tello Monroy, Carlos DavidGUA1400Jal