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Sexto Torneo Internacional de Ajedrez Jalapa 2024 CATEGORIA: SUB-10

Վերջին արդիացում22.09.2024 22:34:35, Creator/Last Upload: Federation Nacional de Ajedrez de Guatemala

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Orantes Folgar, Luis Andre EmanuelGUA1488Jut
2Aguilar, EmelyGUA1410Chim
3Lopez, SofiaGUA1403Jal
4Aj, Jorge DanielGUA1400Pet
5Alexien, RodrigoGUA1400Jal
6Ambrocio, Ignacio GaelGUA1400Gua
7Carrillo, CristopherGUA1400Jut
8Chacon, JnathanGUA1400Pro
9Chinchilla, DereckGUA1400Pro
10Chua, SantiagoGUA1400Jal
11Cordero, ElizabethGUA1400Gua
12Diaz Ejcalon, Joseph StevenGUA1400Jut
13Gudiel, Alessandra NicoleGUA1400Jal
14Herrera, AlexandraGUA1400Jut
15Lima, KenethGUA1400Pro
16Moreno, KevinGUA1400Pet
17Najera, SantiagoGUA1400Jut
18Nájera, SofiaGUA1400Jut
19Quixchan, CamilaGUA1400Pet
20Quixchan, EstefanyGUA1400Pet
21Robles, SantiagoGUA1400Gua
22Sandoval, AndreaGUA1400Pro
23Solorzano, AngelGUA1400Pet
24Solorzano, DulceGUA1400Pet
25Trujillo, ValeryGUA1400Pet
26Zuñiga, GabrielGUA1400Pet
27Zuñiga, JavierGUA1400Pet