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ACEM Best 5 Senior & Advanced

Last update 05.10.2024 21:38:09, Creator/Last Upload: Mohamed Kerkeni

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Starting rank

1Ben Hlima, Rafik5500362TUN1897
2Gadhab, Tarek5504554TUN1872
3Zouari, Med Hedi5504830TUN1835
4Zouari, Mohanned5506220TUN1815
5Bousrih, Maher5503639TUN1790
6Neggaz, Louey5505216TUN1627
7Belanes, Ahmed5534119TUN1569
8Zena, Ilef5515084TUN1427
9Zena, Hachem5515017TUN1418
10Zena, Rawaf5515220TUN1410
11Bahria, Rassim5524601TUN0
12Charfeddine, Chadi5524628TUN0
13Naguez, Loujein5513812TUN0
14Rjab, Sirine5539099TUN0
15Saad, Hayder5544025TUN0
16Saad, Mohamed Hedi5550866TUN0
17Sweyeh, Bassem5536022TUN0