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Kärntn. Jugendcup 2024 Gruppe B Wölfnitz Schnellschach

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony22.09.2024 18:10:08, Creator/Last Upload: Schachklub Wölfnitz

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1Lephaka, SamuelAUT1200
2Staudacher, Luca530000017AUT1200Sgs Spittal
3Woschitz, NoahAUT1200Sk Woelfnitz
4Durakovic, DemianAUT0
5Hodzic, ArminAUT0
6Hodzic, DinAUT0
7Karajko, Meryem530001013AUT0Sgs Spittal
8Kowatsch, MatthiasAUT0
9Muri, Andrej1697358AUT0Vst Voelkerm. Gojer/K.Ents
10Moser, ValentinoAUT0