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1st Round @ 07:00 am for Male 10 to 15, 40 to 55 & Men 55+ and Female 10-15 & 15-25

1st Round @ 10:00 am for Male 15 to 25 & 25 to 40 and Female 25-40, 40-55 & 55+

Jain Social Group Combined Player List for Chess 2024 F40-55

Última actualización22.09.2024 08:44:32, Propietario/Última carga: Monish Sports World

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Ranking inicial

1Arati, Mayur Pagariya0F40-PIMPRI CHINCHAWAD
2Archana, Sachin Punamiya0F40-PUNE SPARSH
3Nehal, Babariya0F40-PUNE SPARSH
4Sushma, Yogesh Bafna0F40-PIMPRI CHINCHAWAD
5Swapnali, Lalitkumar Dhoka0F40-PUNE ARHAM