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3er Torneo Imjuve 2024 Categoria Juvenil

Senast uppdaterad21.09.2024 17:59:12, Creator/Last Upload: Arbitraje Xalapa

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1Hernandez Serrano, Erandi5166420MEX1736Veracruz
2Ginez Serrano, Vania5185505MEX1732Veracruz
3Rodriguez, Salvador Miguel AngelMEX1435
4Castro Vargas, Dylan OzielMEX0
5Daza Alvizar, Juan de JesusMEX0
6Kwang Park, Joshua YoungMEX0
7Lagunes Murillo, Christopher HugoMEX0
8Morales Castro, Jose LuisMEX0
9Morales Vazquez, Tonantzi YamiletMEX0
10Rivera Juarez, BryanMEX0
11Rosete Xotlanihua, Jesus AlejandroMEX0
12Salas Sanchez, UrielMEX0
13Silvestre Ramirez, Karim5171253MEX0
14Zarate Gonzalez, DavidMEX0