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Amaury Corzo in Memoriam

Seinast dagført22.09.2024 17:17:05, Creator/Last Upload: AjedrezCubano

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1Rodriguez Dosina, Adrian3522180CUB2221
2WIMObregon Garcia, Roxangel3520420CUB2185
3WFMMontejo Bello, Lorena Beatriz3529045CUB2130
4WFMMuniz Guevara, Amanda Maria3524299CUB2091
5Hernandez Sosa, Oscar Luis3510832CUB2076
6Riverol Perez, Eduardo3504883CUB2075
7Piedra Toboso, Carlos Ernesto3534480CUB2030
8Zayas, Miguel3510751CUB2025
9Alvarez Ruiz, Esteban3507378CUB2007
10WIMRodriguez Dominguez, Melissa3517560CUB1977
11WFMRodriguez Rivero, Jinela De Cari3533425CUB1972
12Gonzalez Hernandez, Derek Alejand3530183CUB1884
13Cardenas Montano, Mariam Eliz3531856CUB1830
14Ofarrill Cabrera, Esteban David3536807CUB1826
15Hernandez Santana, Andy Rody3534936CUB1822
16Brito Broche, Eliseo3502171CUB1817
17Fernandez Correa, Cristian3533395CUB1814
18Linares Fernandez, Cesar Ernesto3536785CUB1747
19Yera Rodriguez, Fidel3539199CUB1746
20Solino Perez, Adiam De Jesus3536343CUB1692
21Fernandez Correa, Rocio3536700CUB1680
22Bosch Lopez, David3535401CUB1570
23Leonard Conyedo, Saidi3536777CUB1479
24Quevedo Gonzalez-Cueto, Susana Ma3536270CUB1463
25Perez Ocana, Jonathan3536840CUB1432
26Correa Jimenez, Liz Angelica3538257CUB0