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Jerusalem Masters 2024

Senast uppdaterad25.09.2024 17:18:29, Creator/Last Upload: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 70)

Lista över spelare

3GMSvidler, Peter4102142FID2705
7GMDubov, Daniil24126055FID2690
2GMIvanchuk, Vasyl14100010UKR2651
6GMVan Foreest, Jorden1039784NED2650
8GMEljanov, Pavel14102951UKR2619
1GMRodshtein, Maxim2806851ISR2613
9GMSmirin, Ilia2801990ISR2513
5GMPostny, Evgeny2804344ISR2473
10GMBoruchovsky, Avital2800055ISR2459
4GMGorshtein, Ido2815532ISR2408