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Jerusalem Masters 2024

Last update 25.09.2024 17:18:29, Creator/Last Upload: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 70)

Starting rank list of players

3GMSvidler, Peter4102142FID2705
7GMDubov, Daniil24126055FID2690
2GMIvanchuk, Vasyl14100010UKR2651
6GMVan Foreest, Jorden1039784NED2650
8GMEljanov, Pavel14102951UKR2619
1GMRodshtein, Maxim2806851ISR2613
9GMSmirin, Ilia2801990ISR2513
5GMPostny, Evgeny2804344ISR2473
10GMBoruchovsky, Avital2800055ISR2459
4GMGorshtein, Ido2815532ISR2408