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Last update 22.11.2024 23:44:46, Creator/Last Upload: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 534)

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Starting rank

1Castillo Garcia, Adrian32050992ESP1958
2Garcia Ruano, Juan Carlos22200177ESP1910S50
3Campos Saez, Sergio54727812ESP1792U14
4Martinez Herranz, Francisco Jose24598143ESP1773U16
5Clemente Castillo, Jose Alfonso22243275ESP1752
6Ahmed Hadzhimehmed, Naim Ezel54748313ESP1614U12
7Ruiz Martinez, Juan24541451ESP1608S50
8Gil Gonzalez, Juan Francisco22223487ESP1564S50
9Martinez Almendros, Francisco Jose24598151ESP1551
10Villaescusa Martinez, Pedro22247912ESP1532S65
11Naranjo Jover, Ruben535017252ESP1531
12Campos Saez, Pascual54784751ESP1523U10
13Gonzalez Hernandez, Daniel54784719ESP1427U14
14Lopez Cuenca, Luis Miguel54712220ESP1403S65
15Hernandez Saez, Antonio94790205ESP0S50
16Mola Costa, YosvankyESP01
17Revert Garcia, Izan523001054ESP0U12
18Saez Martinez, Blas FernandoESP0
19Tornero Sanchez, Miguel ClementeESP0