5. liga A12 2024/2025

TaraSlovacia ( SVK )
Director turneuVrbiar Tomáš 14921693
Arbitru sefLadislav Šipeky 14916703
ArbitruJozef Pták 14913526
Bedenkzeit (Standard)90 min + 30 sec / move
Number of rounds9
Tournament typeTurneu inchis pentru echipe
Calcul ratingCIV, Elo
Data2024/10/13 La 2025/04/06
Program de imperechereSwiss-Manager from Heinz HerzogFisierul Swiss-Manager

Ultima actualizare19.10.2024 14:18:14, Creator/Last Upload: Slovak Chess Federation license 51

Selectia turneului3.liga A1, 4. liga A11, 5. liga A11a, 5. liga A11b, 5. liga A12
Selectia parametrilor Fara detalii ale turneului, Link la calendarul de turnee
ListeDiagrama actuala (MP), Diagrama actuala (Pct.), Clasamentul, Lista de start a jucatorilor, Lista alfabetica a jucatorilor, Alphabetical list all groups, Programul de joc, Statistici per tara, partide, titluri
Alcatuirea echipelor cu rezultatele rundelor, Alcatuirea echipelor fara rezultate, Imperecherile echipelor pe runde
Perechile pe meseRd.1
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LocNr.startEchipaNr. partide  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3 
13ŠK Tomášov1100350
29CC Vištuk Patriots110034,50
31ZŠK Malacky B1100340
5Šenkvice B1100340
54ŠK Svätý Jur1100330
66ZŠK Malacky C1001010
7ŠK Senec C1001010
10KŠ Pezinok D1001010
92ŠK Senec B100100,50
108ŠK Modra D1001000

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (3 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints