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Back To School Open Youth Tournament September 21, 2024 - U10 Boys and Girls

Senast uppdaterad21.09.2024 17:05:32, Creator/Last Upload: Zambia Chess-Federation

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1Banda, WalaZAM0
2Chanda, ElizaberthZAM0
3Chikontwe, TehilaZAM0
4Chiwele, JohnZAM0
5Chongo, NelsonZAM0
6Desai, YohanZAM0
7Hankin, WayneZAM0
8Kaluba, DavidZAM0
9Kapembwa, Jacob8726248ZAM0
10Kaponda, VeronicaZAM0
11Kolala, PaulZAM0
12Koukoudis, Stalios EthanZAM0
13Matowe, LubutoZAM0
14Mawelela, ChimwemweZAM0
15Mubbunu, ElianaZAM0
16Mulenga, BwalyaZAM0
17Mulenga, MulengaZAM0
18Mwale, Asher-MilesZAM0
19Mwamba, MapaloZAM0
20Namiluko, LimpoZAM0
21Phiri, MatlaZAM0
22Reddy, CheraneshZAM0
23Saatvik, Agrawal8730032ZAM0
24Sichilima, saviourZAM0
25Songwe, Chilando8730644ZAM0
26Vohora, ArhamZAM0
27Vundamina, Mwinuna8726353ZAM0
28Zulu, DanielZAM0
29Zulu, Lushomo AnnieZAM0