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Back To School Open Youth Tournament September 21, 2024 - U14 Boys & Girls

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony21.09.2024 17:05:05, Creator/Last Upload: Zambia Chess-Federation

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1Barot, KirtanZAM0
2Botha, MchizanthakaZAM0
3Chella, LubutoZAM0
4Dadi, Gargey KapilZAM0
5Longwe, DanielZAM0
6Mugala, TemwaniZAM0
7Mwanjimila, ChrispherZAM0
8Nyirenda, AlinasweZAM0
9Nyirenda, JephthahZAM0
10Shah, KavyaZAM0
11Shawa, MisheckZAM0
12Silavwa, TaizyaZAM0
13Straub, IsaacZAM0
14Vasant, Hitesh8719772ZAM0