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V Liga de Ajedrez "Casino Español" Torre

Senast uppdaterad19.10.2024 05:51:53, Creator/Last Upload: Árbitro Pedro Pizarro

Lista över spelare

4Reyes, Duran Ana SofiaMEX1592Veracruz
3Dominguez, Baxin Abrahan Alberto5170907MEX1583Veracruz
6Nelo, Lopez Yuliana5184789MEX1581Veracruz
7Vivanco, Torres Damian Alexander5196744MEX1561Veracruz
2Isleno, Lopez Diego Alberto5184819MEX1539Veracruz
5Zuccolotto, Gomez Maximo AlejandroMEX1524
1Silvestre, Ramirez Joshua Kaled5171504MEX1518Veracruz
8Galan Gomez, Victor29664470MEX0