V Liga de Ajedrez "Casino Español" Torre

最終更新日19.10.2024 05:51:53, Creator/Last Upload: Árbitro Pedro Pizarro

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4Reyes, Duran Ana SofiaMEX1592Veracruz
3Dominguez, Baxin Abrahan Alberto5170907MEX1583Veracruz
6Nelo, Lopez Yuliana5184789MEX1581Veracruz
7Vivanco, Torres Damian Alexander5196744MEX1561Veracruz
2Isleno, Lopez Diego Alberto5184819MEX1539Veracruz
5Zuccolotto, Gomez Maximo AlejandroMEX1524
1Silvestre, Ramirez Joshua Kaled5171504MEX1518Veracruz
8Galan Gomez, Victor29664470MEX0