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Patriotic Pawn Chess Championship U09

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony21.09.2024 04:37:56, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

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1Aarav, AgarwalNEP0Ullens School
2Arjen, ShresthaNEP0
3Elbik, AdhikariNEP0
4Evan Shah, ManadharNEP0
5Reyansh, MaharjanNEP0
6Righvedh, GautamNEP0Ideal Model School
7Rishi Raj, NeupaneNEP0Imperial world school
8Saumil, ChitrakarNEP0Nisarga Batika School
9Shlok, RajouriaNEP0Shristi Academy
10Suvansh, PradhanNEP0
11Utkarsh, GiriNEP0
12Astik, GubajuNEP0