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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة
Torneo Blitz UNID San Luis Potosi LIBRE اخر تحديث21.09.2024 21:29:51, منشئ/آخر رفع: Gloria Gallegos
ترتيب البداية
رقم | | اسم اللاعب | رقم دولي | اتحاد | تقييم |
1 | FM | Tello Chavez, Isaac Valentino | 5114241 | MEX | 2226 |
2 | CM | Hernandez Luna, Jose Angel | 5123801 | MEX | 1984 |
3 | | Montiel Sanchez, Victor Manuel | 5119286 | MEX | 1949 |
4 | | Hernandez Hernandez, Pedro | 5181844 | MEX | 1703 |
5 | | Vite Chavez, Roberto Carlos | 29624690 | MEX | 1666 |
6 | | Gonzalez Gonzalez, Daniel Raul | 29647517 | MEX | 1635 |
7 | | Martinez Romero, Miguel | 29622514 | MEX | 1635 |
8 | | Garcia Chavez, Jesus Axel | 29647509 | MEX | 1634 |
9 | | Garcia Chavez, Carlos Ramon | 29647495 | MEX | 1566 |
10 | | Martinez Sabanero, Claudia Montse | 29624657 | MEX | 1529 |
11 | | Bautista Fuentes, Luis Alberto | 29622433 | MEX | 1515 |
12 | | Miranda Feaster, Juan Pablo | 29647533 | MEX | 1501 |
13 | | Perez Orozco, Isai | 29638291 | MEX | 1440 |
14 | | Perez Torres, Irma Fernanda | | MEX | 1423 |
15 | | Recendez Cazares, Luis Raul | | MEX | 0 |