BSV - BMM 2024/2025 - Klasse 1.3

Organizator(i)Berliner Schachverband e.V.
SavezGermany ( GER )
Glavni sudacKai-Uwe Melchert
Tempo igre40 move / 90 min + all moves / 30 min + 30s from 1st move
Broj kola9
Sustav sparivanjaEkipni Berger
Obračun rejtinga -
Datum2024/09/29 do 2025/05/18
Prosječan rejting1604
Program za sparivanjeSwiss-Chess from Franz-Josef Weber

Zadnja izmjena19.01.2025 18:56:22, Creator/Last Upload: Swiss-Chess 326031

Odabir turniraLL, SL A, SL B, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
LinkoviBMM-Homepage, Link tournament to the tournament calendar
Odabir parametara bez podataka o turniru, Link tournament to the tournament calendar
Pregled za momčad Friesen II, Läufer Reinickendf. II, NARVA II, Queer-Springer I, SC Kreuzberg IV, Sfr Berlin VI, SK Zehlendorf III, SSV Rotation II, Zitadelle III, Zugzwang I
ListePoredak sa partijama (MP), Poredak sa partijama (Bod.), Poredak, Lista po nositeljstvu, Abecedni popis igrača, Alphabetical list all groups, Satnica, Podaci o Savezima, Partijama i Titulama
Turnirski sastav sa rezultatima po kolima, Turnirski sastav bez rezultata po kolima, Parovi ekipa za sva kola
Bodovi po pločamaKolo.1, Kolo.2, Kolo.3, Kolo.4
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Poredak sa partijama (Bod.)

Mj.Momčad12345678910 TB1  TB2  TB3 
1SC Kreuzberg IV * 558210
2Zugzwang I * 454618,50
3Friesen II4 * 45617,50
4Queer-Springer I4 * 77521,50
5Sfr Berlin VI3 * 4745180
6SSV Rotation II33 * 5417,50
7SK Zehlendorf III3 * 62150
8Läufer Reinickendf. II112 * 29,50
9NARVA II433 * 112,50
10Zitadelle III14 * 180

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)