BSV - BMM 2024/2025 - Stadtliga B

Organizator(i)Berliner Schachverband e.V.
SavezGermany ( GER )
Glavni sudacKai-Uwe Melchert
Tempo igre40 move / 90 min + all moves / 30 min + 30s from 1st move
Broj kola9
Sustav sparivanjaEkipni Berger
Obračun rejtinga -
Datum2024/09/29 do 2025/05/18
Prosječan rejting1774
Program za sparivanjeSwiss-Chess from Franz-Josef Weber

Zadnja izmjena19.01.2025 18:25:43, Creator/Last Upload: Swiss-Chess 326031

Odabir turniraLL, SL A, SL B, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
LinkoviBMM-Homepage, Link tournament to the tournament calendar
Odabir parametara bez podataka o turniru, Link tournament to the tournament calendar
Pregled za momčad Berolina I, Bor. Lichtenberg I, Chemie Weißensee II, Empor II, König Tegel III, SC Kreuzberg III, Sfr Berlin IV, Sfr Friedrichshagen I, SSV Rotation I, Weisse Dame II
ListePoredak sa partijama (MP), Poredak sa partijama (Bod.), Poredak, Lista po nositeljstvu, Abecedni popis igrača, Alphabetical list all groups, Satnica, Podaci o Savezima, Partijama i Titulama
Turnirski sastav sa rezultatima po kolima, Turnirski sastav bez rezultata po kolima, Parovi ekipa za sva kola
Bodovi po pločamaKolo.1, Kolo.2, Kolo.3, Kolo.4
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Poredak sa partijama (Bod.)

Mj.Momčad12345678910 TB1  TB2  TB3 
1SSV Rotation I * 656200
2Sfr Berlin IV * 446180
3SC Kreuzberg III * 645210
4Bor. Lichtenberg I2 * 46517,50
5Weisse Dame II42 * 5170
6Berolina I4 * 55160
7König Tegel III4½4 * 4140
8Chemie Weißensee II23 * 2120
Empor II * 2120
10Sfr Friedrichshagen I3 * 012,50

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)