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Al Rusayl Chess Club Rapid 2024

Վերջին արդիացում20.09.2024 20:28:27, Creator/Last Upload: Alaagaleb

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Haider Qahtan,IRQ1800
2Mohammed Abdul Redha,IRQ1799
3Sami Saher,IRQ1769
4Mohamed Hazem,IRQ1750
5Osama Fathy,IRQ1725
6Rashid Karim,IRQ1721
7Adel Hashem,IRQ1720
8Mustafa Firas,IRQ1700
9Mohammed Qasim,IRQ1650
10Yacoub Mohammed,IRQ1648
11Ali Abdul Jalil,IRQ1610
12Sajjad Fadhel,IRQ1600
13Firas Furat,IRQ1805
14Ali Abbas,IRQ1850