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Regional Centro Oeste Amador 2024 STD - U2000

Last update 22.09.2024 17:04:41, Creator: Federacao de Xadrez do Estado de Goias,Last Upload: CBX - Confederacao Brasileira de Xadrez

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Starting rank

1Luiz Americo De Paiva Filho371202163357BRA19462035GO
2Paulo Estevao Rosa301032126036BRA19182020GO
3NMAbel Cardoso Dos Santos404822159473BRA19092011GO
4David Alberto Alves Pinto8264344763344BRA18811825MT
5Jose Roberto Amaro364632141361BRA18761893GO
6Jairo Franca Junior3842150816BRA18651912GO
7NMDouglas Carvalho Oliveira3971922789812BRA18601857GO
8Thiago Liberato Ribeiro5210022733337BRA18541901SP
9NMIvo Pereira De Arruda Filho18162108852BRA18061908S65GO
10Raimundo Nascimento Felix377822142899BRA18051943DF
11Pedro Igor Goncalves Melo7002044701780BRA17361768GO
12Otavio Moraes Campos298882110725BRA17321901GO