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Pokal Marjana Drobneta 2024 7/9

Senast uppdaterad17.10.2024 20:24:14, Creator/Last Upload: Ventzislav Inkiov

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1Lorencak, Ivan14614260SLO1837
2Kodric Plevnik, Kristjan14633019SLO1826
3Pecnik, Robert14611953SLO1820
4Gradisek, Bor14635828SLO1791
5Videc, Milan14654164SLO1767
6Susin, Ivan14628473SLO1762
7Kolar, Miso14645386SLO1636
8Jazbinsek, Joze14644983SLO1603
9Centrih, Bojan14644959SLO1566
10Levicar, Jakob14660822SLO1536
11Rajgl, Jozko14637340SLO1448
12Keber, Alen14640805SLO1440
13Plevnik, Viljem14637030SLO1429
14Bercko, IzaSLO0