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Regional Centro Oeste Amador 2024 BLZ - U2000

Last update 20.09.2024 02:51:50, Creator: Federacao de Xadrez do Estado de Goias,Last Upload: CBX - Confederacao Brasileira de Xadrez

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Starting rank

1Marceley Martins Mariano280452109409BRA19951862GO
2Luciano Da Silva Santos02139120BRA19630U2000
3Pedro Henrique Fernandes Macedo8662944788924BRA19421879U2000
4David Alberto Alves Pinto8264344763344BRA19381803U18U2000
5Luiz Americo De Paiva Filho371202163357BRA19061897GO
6Davi Pedro Saad7017144703945BRA18731818GO
7Douglas Carvalho Oliveira022789812BRA18600
8Otavio Moraes Campos298882110725BRA18281866S65U2000
9Pedro Igor Goncalves Melo7002044701780BRA18151844U16U2000
10Lucas Farah Machado Borges044703929BRA17880U20U2000
11Thiago Liberato Ribeiro5210022733337BRA17741812U2000
12Pedro Hitiro Matsunaga2896244767200BRA17571828S50U2000