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Patriotic Pawn Chess Championship U11

Posledná aktualizácia 21.09.2024 04:38:24, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

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Štartová listina

1Aarshabh, JalanNEP0
2Aayan, Joshy`NEP0Ravibhawan
3Abhinab, AkelaNEP0St Xavier's School
4Arshab, JalalNEP0
5Ishwor, SaudNEP0United
6Leon, MaharjanNEP0Pushpasadan Secondary School
7Prasit, KhanalNEP0Nisarga Batika School
8Saatwik, Man TuladharNEP0Nisarga Batika School
9Sayujya, Man JoshiNEP0Rato Bangala School
10Utpal, GiriNEP0Little Angeles School