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Turnir u povodu dana Grada i BPK Goražde (Goražde, 18 septembar 2024. godine) Վերջին արդիացում18.09.2024 21:11:15, Creator/Last Upload: Sahovski klub "Gorazde"
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | Ֆեդ. |
1 | | Borovac, Emir | BIH |
2 | | Dzaferovic, Kerim | BIH |
3 | | Forto, Hamza | BIH |
4 | | Gabela, Sanin | BIH |
5 | | Hajvaz, Dzemal | BIH |
6 | | Hasovic, Edin | BIH |
7 | | Hasovic, Emel | BIH |
8 | | Maslo, Almir | BIH |
9 | | Mirvic, Mumin | BIH |
10 | | Muratovic, Adnan | BIH |
11 | | Muratovic, Efim | BIH |
12 | | Obuca, Bajro | BIH |
13 | | Okovic, Nadir | BIH |
14 | | Pestek, Elvis | BIH |
15 | | Pleh, Semir | BIH |
16 | | Popovic, Samir | BIH |
17 | | Rahman, Elzar | BIH |
18 | | Stavnjak, Lazar | BIH |