Northumberland Championship Gilroy 2024-25

Last update 22.01.2025 12:20:25, Creator/Last Upload: Lara Barnes IA

Tournament selectionZollner, Sell, Gilroy
Parameters Show tournament details, Link with tournament calendar
ListsStarting rank, Alphabetical list, Statistics, Alphabetical list all groups, Playing schedule
Ranking crosstable after Round 4, Starting rank crosstable
Board PairingsRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4/7 , not paired
Ranking list afterRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4
GamesThere are 51 games available for download
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Round 3 on 2025/01/04

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.PGN
116Kearney, Jonathan15272 0 - 12 Mccarthy, Darren16951PGN
212Simm, David15752 ½ - ½2 Rook, Ian R149219PGN
314Cameron, Thomas15502 ½ - ½2 Brookes, Martin D138728PGN
420Krause, Tom1467 1 - 0 Owen, Michael15929PGN
513Atcheson, Daniel1556 - - + Mosse, Denise M157711
62Stipanovic, Antonio16751 ½ - ½ Phillips, James143823PGN
715Russell, Brandon15381 ½ - ½1 Peardon, Dave16683PGN
84Mcmonagle, Alfie16351 ½ - ½1 Bandali, Alykhan144722
917Rooney, Jonathan15261 1 - 01 Tatters, Ethan16315PGN
1033Glover, Felix12131 1 - 01 Flint, James15957PGN
118Cox, Kevin15931 ½ - ½1 Sathishkumar, Gautham146421PGN
126Heyman, Robert1603½ 0 - 11 Hardy, Andrew142124PGN
1310Piercy, Alex1579½ 1 - 0½ Smith, Alan106634PGN
1418Solomon, Jonathan1499½ 1 - 0½ Ross, Ethan130431PGN
1532Sathishkumar, Sanjay1221½ 1 - 0½ Armstrong, Steve141325PGN
1636Sriram, Vishnu Charan0½ 0 - 1½ Pramana, Joey139627PGN
1730Horrocks, Simon13080 1 - 00 Cheung, Aaron141326PGN
1829Bezganovic, Viktorija13320 ½ - ½0 Gokul Nath, Viaan89635PGN