Northumberland Championship Zollner 2024-25 Last update 22.01.2025 11:53:46, Creator/Last Upload: Lara Barnes IA
Tournament selection | Zollner, Sell, Gilroy |
Parameters | Show tournament details, Link with tournament calendar |
Lists | Starting rank, Alphabetical list, Statistics, Alphabetical list all groups, Playing schedule |
| Ranking crosstable after Round 4, Starting rank crosstable |
Board Pairings | Rd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4/7 , not paired |
Ranking list after | Rd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4 |
Games | There are 19 games available for download |
Excel and Print | Export to Excel (.xlsx), Export to PDF-File, QR-Codes |
Ranking crosstable after Round 4(3 results missing)
Annotation: Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)