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October 25-27 Whatsapp for those interested by Sept 24 9 rounds, Round-Robin, 10 players only +971 50 639 9183
Classic Rating Invitational - October Posledná aktualizácia 20.09.2024 20:15:53, Creator/Last Upload: Chesslab
Zoznam hráčov podľa ratingu
č. | | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
12 | | AFM | Sai, Hridhay S | 33473854 | IND | 1769 |
5 | | | Akhil, Vijayakumar | 35098144 | IND | 1697 |
8 | | | Lobo, Dhruv | 1089838 | NED | 1550 |
2 | | | Keertiganesh, S R | 33375755 | IND | 1533 |
1 | | | Manlla Hasan, Ahmad | 138105352 | FID | 1516 |
9 | | AIM | Vir, Dhawan | 33472530 | IND | 1488 |
7 | | | Minesh, Patil | 429006350 | IND | 1456 |
6 | | ACM | Hofilena, Nino Francisco Iv | 5264090 | PHI | 1444 |
3 | | | Nmoh, Parag Deshmukh | 48778931 | IND | 1435 |
11 | | | Adit, Sood | 25149245 | IND | 1418 |
10 | | AIM | Goel, Vivan | 146241798 | IND | 1418 |
4 | | ACM | Ishaan, Divesh Nair | 33463387 | IND | 1406 |