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Uzbekistan Embassy Chess Tournament - Independence Day Celebration

Վերջին արդիացում18.09.2024 12:00:53, Creator/Last Upload: Stockholms Schackförbund

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Mirabdulla, ZulfiyaUZB1511
2Radjabov, AzimjonUZB1500
3Raimov, AbdulhamidUZB1450
4Raimov, SultonaliUZB89
5Abduhakimov, RamazonUZB79
6Davlatov, HafizUZB63
7Israfilova, RuxshonaUZB63
8Sadriyev, FazliddinUZB52
9Aktamov, MuxsinbekUZB51
10Israfilova, RuhangizUZB51
11Sharofov, AbduraufUZB45
12Zhunusali Uulu, AdilbekSWE44
13Raximov, BoburSWE38
14Radjabova, MadinaUZB37
15Raimov, AmirizoUZB34
16Rasulov, JonibekUZB27
17Sobirov, OtabekUZB21
18Sultanov, DavlatUZB20
19Sayfiddinov, ShoxjahonUZB19
20Hamroyev, AbdullaUZB13
21Rasulov, JurabekUZB11
22Saidov, DavlatUZB11
23Sayfiddinova, MasruraUZB9