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2024 24th KCFAP Standard-60 Sunday Tournament

Last update 06.10.2024 07:03:05, Creator/Last Upload: Ignatius Leong

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1AGMTeoh, Yi Hearn Lawrence5706882MAS1795
2Mooi, Kok Onn Osric5800528SGP1721
3FMLeong, Ignatius5800242LAO1703
4Lean, Boon Cheng Richard5802911SGP1703
5AFMChit, Ye Thu13008323MYA1661
6Halomoan, Marco Matheus7126417INA1659
7AIMLim, Huay Leon Warren5802555SGP1645
8Aw, Kai Le Andrew5822912SGP1587
9Chew, Cedric5803276SGP1544
10Wang, Mi Ya Mia5834856SGP1503
11Chew, Clement5802407SGP1492
12Tay, Ye Zhe Eliot5838061SGP1401
13Teo, Zhiguang5835526SGP1500
14AFMTeo, Hong Kai Javier5835518SGP1602
15Ohng, Wei Zhe Quilliam5834554SGP1530
16Yap, Chee Khean5856230SGP0