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Last update 21.09.2024 22:53:12, Creator/Last Upload: Legend321!

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Starting rank

1Allen, KathrynJAM0
2Blake, ImaniJAM0
3Bryan, Nia-LuiseJAM0
4Campbell, ElizabethJAM0
5Cunningham, Zahir7411669JAM0
6Duncan, ParrisJAM0
7Gordon, CaelynJAM0
8Henry, DamariJAM0
9Jackson, MaxenJAM0
10Johnson, Breya7411928JAM0
11Johnson, RhiaJAM0
12Josephs, Cyrus7412010JAM0
13Mantock, Justin7411723JAM0
14Mclean, BiancaJAM0
15Palmer, KamronJAM0
16Patel, Gracy7411596JAM0
17Shaw, CaiyehlJAM0
18Sicard, EmersonJAM0
19Simms, Zyon7411804JAM0
20Smith, Terrence7411839JAM0
21Stephens, KalebJAM0
22Wright, Luke E7410239JAM0