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WEISSENHAUS Young Masters 2024

Last update 19.10.2024 01:23:21, Creator/Last Upload: OneWayStreet

Starting rank list of players

10Eljanov, Pavel14102951UKR26722699MSA Zugzwang 82
5Sethuraman, S.P.5021596IND25760India
1Bauer, Christian603767FRA25570SC Ötigheim
3Hansen, Sune Berg1400266DEN25200Denmark
8Kulaots, Kaido4500261EST25152516SK 1908 Göggingen
6Deuer, Marius16236432GER24772473TSV Schönaich
7Costa, Leonardo16213955GER24722471HSK von 1830
4Krause, Benedict12917990GER24042414FC ST. Pauli 1910
2Besou, Hussain16269950GER23502315LSV Turm Lippstadt
9Glöckler, Christian34608966GER23362316Wiesbadener SV 1885