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Prvi Memorijalni turnir Vehab Dervisevic Վերջին արդիացում28.09.2024 14:37:07, Creator/Last Upload: Leo
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | Causevic, Sead | 14412071 | BIH | 2180 |
2 | AIM | Beganovic, Enver | 14405482 | BIH | 2130 |
3 | CM | Kekic, Armin | 14401274 | BIH | 2129 |
4 | | Kekic, Ahmed | 14422123 | BIH | 2097 |
5 | | Durakovic, Edhem | 14403897 | BIH | 2047 |
6 | | Djulic, Samir | 14413477 | BIH | 2009 |
7 | | Kekic, Naid | 14422115 | BIH | 1983 |
8 | | Ruznic, Ramiz | 14406667 | BIH | 1974 |
9 | | Sahinovic, Sejad | 14413523 | BIH | 1950 |
10 | | Hebilovic, Mirsad | 14409518 | BIH | 1943 |
11 | | Hozdic, Asmir | 14411695 | BIH | 1943 |
12 | | Coralic, Sead | 14411652 | BIH | 1918 |
13 | | Odobasic, Semir | 14413507 | BIH | 1888 |
14 | | Hebilovic, Mehmed | 14411687 | BIH | 1873 |
15 | | Begic, Mujo | 14424614 | BIH | 1870 |
16 | | Burzic, Suvad | 14413450 | BIH | 1865 |
17 | | Mustafic, Remzija | 14436620 | BIH | 1857 |
18 | | Bilkic, Sulejman | 14422000 | BIH | 1787 |
19 | | Salkic, Esad | 14422085 | BIH | 1782 |
20 | | Covic, Mehmed | 2039397 | USA | 1777 |
21 | | Japic, Amir | 14425696 | BIH | 1759 |
22 | | Racic, Aziz A | 14438720 | BIH | 1541 |
23 | | Dervisevic, Ermin | 14441837 | BIH | 0 |