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Memorial Sylvio Rezende

Senast uppdaterad17.09.2024 19:18:04, Creator/Last Upload: Fexerj

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1Silas, Carvalho FernandesBRA2100Cmun
2Luiz, Antonio Bardaro ManziBRA2065Cmun
3NMNatacio, Goncalves BezerraBRA2009Cmun
4Leticia, Fritz HenriqueBRA1730Cmun
5Jam, Ajna Soares Dias de Souza RibeBRA1621Cmun
6Alberto, Horacio LombardiBRA1618Cmun
7Herivaldo, Souza E SilvaBRA1614Cmun
8Henrique, Reis De MoraesBRA1590Cxmeier
9Lucas, Antony Nunes de AraujoBRA1442Cmun
10Janine, Santos NunesBRA1186Cmun
11Bruno, de Oliveira MedeirosBRA10Cmun
12Miguel, Julio Pascoal RamosBRA0[Cmun]