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Torneo de Primera Categoria "70 años Ajedrez Martelli"

Darrera actualització10.10.2024 04:36:52, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Liga Nacional de Ajedrez

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Rànquing inicial

1Ocampos, Ian117544ARG2193
2Moldovan, Adrian166170ARG2127
3Godoy, Luciano113301ARG2109
4WFMAdam, Ernestina165883ARG2060
5Chanduvi Loayza, Fidel Maximo3804160PER1998
6Strok, Boris107603ARG1924
7Gil Chacon, Fernando Enrique3880257ARG1910
8Leguizamon, Arnaldo114510ARG1904
9Radoszta, Armando E.107387ARG1829
10Bulettini, Julian Tobias194654ARG1817
11Paz, Patricio165956ARG1812
12Isella, Facundo102210ARG1801