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Hösturneringen Posledná aktualizácia 03.12.2024 17:52:04, Creator/Last Upload: NSF
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
1 | | Harlin, Jacob | 1728180 | SWE | 1959 |
2 | | Andersson, Soren | 1737899 | SWE | 1914 |
3 | | Chernov, Ilia | 1776479 | SWE | 1903 |
4 | | Nackholm, Erik | 1721593 | SWE | 1927 |
5 | | Keskitalo, Rasmus | 1768271 | SWE | 1857 |
6 | | Larsson, Robin | 1783114 | SWE | 1815 |
7 | | Hejdenberg, Jacob | 1772341 | SWE | 1764 |
8 | | Astrom, Anders | 1721569 | SWE | 1745 |
9 | | Harnemo, Andreas | 1729608 | SWE | 0 |
10 | | Howe, Martin | | SWE | 0 |