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ŠK Zagorje ob Savi 7+3

Last update 17.09.2024 19:53:18, Creator/Last Upload: PGrujic

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Starting rank

1IIMedvešek, Janez14626489SLO2091
2MKBenko, Boštjan14606771SLO2041
3IJurič, Marko14604361SLO1902
4IIIGrujič, Predrag14609452SLO1898
5IIIGrčar, Janez14607549SLO1855
6ITomažič, Martin14605287SLO1819
7IRegancin, Rudi14604876SLO1785
8IILazar, Ivan14647044SLO1707
9Ritter, Aleksander14620618SLO1632
10Džamastagič, Muharem14620421SLO1589
11Cerar, Tomaž14674181SLO1500
12Brinovec, Alojz14674580SLO1000