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4th IST Inter Schools Individual Junior Chess Tournament U12

Darrera actualització22.09.2024 14:42:10, Creador/Darrera càrrega: vinaytz

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Rànquing inicial

1Aahil, AmarshiTAN0DIA
2Aarav, GuptaTAN0HOPAC
3Ambreen, KaurTAN0wDIA
4Chaeeun, KimTAN0wDIA
5Daniel, MiraTAN0IST
6Fares, SelimTAN0FS
7Johnny, Bishoy RofaelTAN0LIS
8Karan, ShahTAN0IST
9Keira, AndrisTAN0wDIA
10Khalil, LaljiTAN0IST
11Krishiv, PatelTAN0Aghakhan
12Lakshmi, BonthalaTAN0wFYA
13Mika, MhinaTAN0Aghakhan
14Mingyu, ZhouTAN0IST
15Seoyoung, ParkTAN0wDIA
16Veeraj, K. MehtaTAN0IST
17Xingchen, LiTAN0IST
18Zhe, Yu (Jason)TAN0DIA