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4th IST Inter Schools Individual Junior Chess Tournament Under 10

Posledná aktualizácia 22.09.2024 14:13:26, Creator/Last Upload: vinaytz

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Štartová listina

1Aaliyah, AmarshiTAN0wDIA
2Aarav, PatelTAN0IST
4Alayna, LaljiTAN0wIST
5Chael, NouiduiTAN0IFS
6Deeksha, PartheebanTAN0wIS
7Elani, JohnTAN0TCA
8Hanwen, GuoTAN0IST
9Harini, DoshiTAN0wAghaKhan
10Hayaan, Ritesh DivechaTAN0DIA
11Maxime, CostergTAN0FS
12Seojin, ParkTAN0DIA
13Sophia i, DawoodbhaiTAN0wFS
14Tanmayi, RajarajanTAN0wIS
15Vihaan, K. MehtaTAN0IST
16Vihana, Jiten DivechaTAN0wDIA
17Xingyu, LiTAN0IST
18Zoya, KanjiTAN0wFS