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4th IST Inter Schools Individual Junior Chess Championship Under 8

Last update 22.09.2024 14:22:25, Creator/Last Upload: vinaytz

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Starting rank list

1Aiden, AlibhaiTAN0IST
2Iman, SaidTAN0wFS
3Riaan, Varun GeorgeTAN0Aghakhan
4Rihaan, PattniTAN0IST
6Sanjith, Dhruva SanthoshTAN0IS
7Shakith, MarriTAN0IS
8Shivaan, JogTAN0IST
9Sidy, CisseTAN0IST
10Yuvan Karthik, RajarajanTAN0IS
11Zara, SaidTAN0wFS
12Zoey, AndrisTAN0wDIA